Last updated __August, 2024
This Website (the 'Website') and its contents areowned (unless indicated otherwise) by A&AAchilex Ltd, a Limited Company registeredin Cyprus with registered number HE461299 that operates the Internet site locatedatwww.achilex.com and provides services to its clients based on thelicense held by Alexandrou & Varoudakis LLC No. 875 issued by the CyprusBar Association. Registeredaddress: CORINNE BUSINESSCENTRE, Floor 1, Flat/Office 106, Iasonos 1, 1082 Nicosia, Cyprus. Reference to "we","our", "us" in these terms of use and elsewhere in thisWebsite is to A&A Achilex Ltd.

1. Using the website
    By accessing and using our Website, you agree to the following terms ofuse. If you do not wish to be legally bound by these terms, please refrain fromaccessing or using the Website.
     In accordance with these terms, we provide you with a limited, temporary, revocable, and non-exclusive license to access, browse, and use the Website solely for personal and non-commercial purposes.
     We retain the right to amend these terms of use at any time, and youshould periodically review them to stay informed of any changes. Your continueduse of the Website following the posting of any changes will be considered asyour acceptance of the updated terms of use.

2. Intellectual property
Copyright and all intellectual property rights in the content of the website are owned by A&A Achilex Ltdand are reserved unless otherwise specified. The content of the Website is theproperty of A&A Achilex Ltd, unless stated otherwise.
     You may use the content of the Website under the following conditions:

  • It is accessed and viewed solely for your personal,non-commercial use;
  • It is used for informational purposes only;
  • Any copies or downloads of content from the Websitemust include a notice that the copyright of the relevant material is held by A&A Achilex Ltd.

     Except as expressly stated above, nothing on thisWebsite should be interpreted as granting any license or right to use anytrademark or copyright of A&A Achilex Ltd.

3. Disclaimerand limitation of liability
     All information provided has been carefully prepared but is presented ingeneral terms and should be considered as broad guidance only. This informationis not tailored to specific situations, and you should not base any actions orinactions solely on this information without first seeking specializedprofessional advice.

     For advice related to your particular circumstances,please contact A&A Achilex Ltd. A&A Achilex Ltd, including its partners,team members, and agents, does not accept or assume any liability or duty ofcare for any loss resulting from actions taken or not taken based on thisinformation, or for any decisions made in reliance upon it.

     The content on this Website is intended to offer general guidance onmatters of interest and the services provided by A&AAchilex Ltd. It should not be regarded or relied upon asprofessional advice.

     While every effort has been made to ensure that the information on thisWebsite is up-to-date and accurate, laws and regulations frequently change, andunintentional errors may occur. Therefore, A&AAchilex Ltd makes no representations or warranties, express orimplied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of theinformation provided on this Website.

     A&A Achilex Ltd is notliable for any loss or damage of any kind (including, but not limited to,indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or similar damages) resulting fromdecisions or actions taken or not taken based on the information on thisWebsite, or any linked websites, or from your use of the Website.

Also, neither we nor any of our data providers oraffiliates gives any warranty or guarantee:

  • Relating to the availability of the website;
  • That the Website and/or our operation of it, the content or the server that makesthe website available, are error or virus free or free of other harmfulcomponents;
  • That your use of this website will be uninterrupted.

4. Prohibited Conduct  
You agree not to engage in any ofthe following activities:  

4.1. Violating laws and rights: 
You may not:
(a) Use any ofour products for unlawful purposes or in violation of any local, state,national, or international laws;
(b) Breach orencourage others to breach any third-party rights or obligations, including,but not limited to, infringing upon or misappropriating intellectual property,confidentiality, or privacy rights;
(c) Impose anyadditional obligations on the Company not outlined in these Terms of Use; or
(d) Utilize ourproducts for any purposes not explicitly authorized in these Terms of Use. 

4.2. Disruption:
 You may not use the Website in anymanner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the products, orinterfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the products; including,but not limited to, by
(a) uploading or otherwisedisseminating any virus, adware, spyware, worm or other malicious code;
(b) interfering with or disruptingany network, equipment, or server connected to or used to provide any of theproducts;
(c) violating any regulation,policy, or procedure of any network, equipment, or server;
(d) cause or permit decompilation,reverse assembly, reverse engineering or otherwise attempting to discover thesource code of all or any portion of the Website or the Company’s IntellectualProperty.  

4.3. Solicitation: 
You may not useour products or any information provided through the Website for
(a) the transmission of advertisingor promotional materials, including junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramidschemes, or any other form of unsolicited or unwelcome solicitation;
(b) building a product using similarideas, features, functions or graphics of the Website;
(c) copying any ideas, features,functions or graphics of the Website and the Company’s Intellectual Property;
(d) or modifying, adapting,translating, or otherwise creating derivative works based upon the Website or any of ourproducts.   

4.4.Harming others: 
You areprohibited from posting or transmitting Content on or through the Website thatis harmful, offensive, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy, defamatory,hateful, discriminatory, false, misleading, or that incites illegal activities.Additionally, you may not use our products to intimidate or harass others. Youare also forbidden from posting or transmitting any personally identifiableinformation about individuals under the age of 18 on or through the Website.

5. Enforcement& Waiver
     If any of these Terms of use are determined tobe illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of anystate or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to theextent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, it shall besevered and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive,remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.
     No waiver by us of any breach of these Terms of use shall constitute a waiver ofany other prior or subsequent breach and we shall not be affected by any delay,failure or omission to enforce or express forbearance granted in respect of anyof your obligations.

6. Third partywebsites
     This Website includes links to websites operated by parties other than A&AAchilex Ltd. These links are provided to offer additional information andconvenience. However, we are not responsible or liable for the accuracy,timeliness, relevance, or legality of the content on any third-party websites.

7. Termination
Wemay, in our sole discretion, suspend, restrict or terminate your use of this Website at any time, without notification, for any reason, including forviolation of these Terms of Use.  We will have no responsibility to notify any third party, including any third-partyproviders of services, merchandise or information, of any suspension,restriction or termination of your access to this Website.

8. Privacy policy
     Please review the Privacy policy for more information regarding how your personal information is collected inconnection with your use of this Website, the purposes for which your personal information is used, and how it is shared.

9. Governing law and jurisdiction
These terms of use will be governed by and interpreted by the laws of Cyprus. Although the www.achilex.com Website can be accessed from various locations worldwide with differing legal frameworks, by using the Website, you agreethat Cyprus law will govern all issues related to your use of the Website. You and we also agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Cyprus for such matters. However, we retain the right to initiate enforcementproceedings in any court, including, if necessary, the courts of your countryof residence.

10. How to contact us​
You can contact us by email at contact@achilex.com if you have any questions, comments or complaints about this website.